What do you think the future will be like on bara magna or any other new planets.... could there be a different universe other than the magna's? Or is there a hidden 4th planet? Post your comments here....
Fire was all that appeared in mata nui's mind as he activated the septar of a million flames which is the elemental lord of fire's weapon during the core war........ "As I call forth the final fire of the battle and the last few breathes of the lord of fire, my brothers, the great beings, give me power to help these people!" The world started to shake and fire burst out of the ground wiping out millions of shadow titans..... now all that's left is the shadow god......... these sneek peaks are what occure at different parts in the story, you'll never know when it actually happens. Next week begins my extension for the chronicle of shadow's unleashed, the most extensive chronicle i will ever right.
I doubt ther'll be a 4th planet. That secret is probably to do with Bara Magna.